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Coping with Uncertainty

The void

"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd"  ~ Voltaire 

The only constant in our lives is that it is ever-changing.  When I am standing in the gap between all I know to be true and uncertainty, waiting for answers - the best I can do is to remember that I have stood here before, (maybe not in the same place or shoes) and have the ability to adapt AND I am not bound........   I have choices.

  • Instead of fretting about what I can not control I can choose to focus on aspects that I can control.
  • I can decide to be the Captain of my own ship, rather than a passenger on board at the mercy of another.
  • I can prepare and plan for alternate possibilities opening my mind to all available options.
  • I can become a spectator, as I watch and listen to the negative brigade arriving to fill the vacumn of uncertainy.  Observing my fear and anxiety I can choose to assert positive influence over my thoughts.
  • I can look to my past and times when I have been challenged and have confidence in my coping skills and resiliency.
  • I can pre-empt excessive stress by engaging in stress reduction, practising; gratittude, focusing on my breath, minfulness, yoga, tai-chi etc. 
  • I can choose to appreciate this experience or situation as a period of growth and acceptance of what it means to be human.

I always have choice..............